
Max认证培训师 - 班文林简历

Resume of Ban Wenlin (1) Wenlin BAN, Associate Professor, Center for Electronic Music, Department of Composition, China Conservatory of Music. Ph.D. in the Department of Creativity of Music and Sound, Tokyo University of the Arts. Visiting

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Max认证培训师 - 潘溯源

C URRICULUM VITAE PAN Suyuan Department of Digital Media Art School of Media Arts and Communication Nanjing University of The Arts E-mail: pan_music@163.com Education Commination University of China, B.A., Musicology,2006-2010 University of

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Max认证培训师 - 陈成亚伟简历

CHEN Chengyawei Email: 1214624413@qq.com EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDS Communication University of China, Nanjing (CUCN) 9/2011 5/2015 Degree: Bachelor of Arts Specialty: Audio Engineering GPA: 83.75 University of York (UK) Degree: Master of Scie

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Max认证培训师 - 靳聪简历

CURRICULUM VITAE Cong Jin Key Laboratory of Media Audio and Video, Ministry of Education Communication University of China No 1 Dingfuzhuang Street, Chaoyang District Beijing, 100024, China E-mail: jincong@cuc.edu.cn Education PhD student o

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Max认证培训师 - 白小墨简历

Resume of Bai Xiaomo Name: Bai Xiaomo Nationality: China Email: mail@baixiaomo.com Add: Sichuan Conservatory of Music, No. 6, Xinsheng Road,Chengdu City, Sichuan Province [Post Code:610021] Taught Max/MSP for undergraduate and graduate stud

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Max认证培训师 - 马仕骅简历

1.个?简历(中英) 联系方式:supermashimaro@yeah.net 马仕骅,新媒体艺术家,中国音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业教师,中央音乐学院电子音 乐作曲专业博士。使用 Max 创作了大量新媒

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